Sunday, November 12, 2006

Well my new goat family came and picked out a doeling yesterday.
They are adorable! The little girl arrived with "I Love Goats" velcroed to her shirt!

After all the thought I had about which of Kia's kids I wanted to sell, she ended up picking Wicked, a grade Lamancha!
I certainly have learned my lesson to try to get a kid to pick a kid. I now know that they know something else, they see something I don't.

So now thay have a lovely little doeling and they are excited to get her bred, and to show!
It's so wonderful to have a new kid involved in the dairy goats.

And I sold her for exactly the same amount of my bill for my wool processing !
I washed another fleece yesterday that I hope will someday dry, and I have 2 others that are washed, so I'll be sending more down to Whitethorn.

Larry was at the ranch in the morning obviously there to show the place. And once again, I recognized the family that showed up. They live right around the corner. They are not farmers.
That was curious.


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