Back into winter we go.
The oldest kids are now a month old, halfway to weaning age. I am looking forward to that, but looming in the not too distant future is a slew of fresh does and babies. I have probably 15 does to kid between March 13th and April 1st. FUN FUN FUN!
After chores yesterday morning I went back to work on my feeder. I welded the other crossbar to the top, and now I could cut off the former top and make it more goat-sized.
This involved cutting 12 pieces of pipe at eye level crosswise. Holding the cut off saw and cutting that much at that angle made my whole right side ache, but I made myself do them all, and I lastly cut the upright holding the whole thing. It looks cool now! But of course now I still have the whole other side to do. I'll make myself do it this morning.
The rain came a pouring down, and that's all it took to once again close Meridian Road. It was such a tease; we had it for 2 days. 2 DAYS! Back to the trip through town. I do get to keep tabs on a house that is being built near the fairgrounds. Driving by 4 to 6 times a day, I can see their progress. It's only 2 guys and a Labrador, but they are plugging right along. They are starting to put up the wall framing. Not much got done yesterday, they took the day off to nap.
So I spent the rainy rainy day sorting out Josh's Lego's. They have been sitting in bags downstairs, occasionally being ripped open by bad dogs, some chewed on. Since J is 18 and hasn't played with them for years, it's eBay time. I sorted them into colors and cleaned tham ( taking out the dogchewed ones) and they are in zip locked bags ready to go. It was all a ploy to seize the little table they were sitting on. It's my old sewing machine table and I absconded it to take to the ranch to put my pasteurizer on.
And it was done.