Yesterday was strangely productive, even though it seemed like I didn't do a thing. I got napping, eating, and lots of T V watching, and yet I still managed to make progress on many fronts.
I started working on what will be the roof of the feeder. I fashioned some 3/4 X 1 1/2 square tubing as extensions as the roof frame is slightly shorter than the feeder itself. Now I can clearly see how I can get the thing to work. I'll hinge one end so I can raise it up to throw hay in.
Like most things, once I get working, I solve the problems that usually keep me from getting the job done.
My welds are getting better and better. Soon I will run out of the .30 wire and I'll have to adjust to the .35, which should give me better welds.
And shouldn't I have bought the 30.00 stick welder at the yard sale??
I also managed to card and spin a bobbin full of wool yarn. I also rinsed and blocked the 2 skeins I spun over the past week or so. On Thursday the "local wool mill" person is picking up 3 washed fleeces to have them processed into roving. I have never had this done before, so it's an experiment. I am sending my cparser Dorset fleeces, as I have heard she does a better job with the coarser wool.
I am curious as to how fast I can then spin the pre carded wool, or if it might be worth it to send other fleees to another mill to have the wool spun into commercial yarn.
I have probably 10 more fleeces, but I did get a request for a fleece to sell.
The keyboard that has shown up here for some reason, has a shift key that sticks.
A breeder is coming down from Oregon today to trade for a buck or 2. She is bringing me a nubian doe. Yes, I have lost my mind.
I still would rather have the Nubian doe that all of these bucks. The bucks need to be thinned out, and now 'tis the season.
I have a lot of obligations; it's like having a job. I'm not sure if I like it, but it seems most of them will come with more money. When I have plenty, obligations for more are just an inonvenience. When I am broke, obligations are opportunities.
I managed to get Brian's radial arm saw back to him . Actually, he came and picked it up. So that is out of the way.
I need to deliver, or have picked up, 2 does.
Deliver fleeces.
Start a milk stand I got an order for.
List eBay items.
Learn AF's milking routine and milk her goats this coming weekend.
Get my passport application in.
Weigh a fleece and send estimate.
Besides all of this I really seriously need to do something about the Grade B barn roof. Seriously. I know there's no rain for the distant future, but you know it's coming.