Saturday, September 30, 2006

Yesterday morning the family was at the ranch with the real estate agent. From what I can tell they want to sell it fast.
I imagine I'll get a phone call or a letter and hoprfully ( and legally, I think) I should have at least 30 days to get out.

It's a wierd place to be; do I continue storing up winter feed? Do I start deiding who goes where? I definitely should start work on the place over here to be ready to relocate a few head, not matter what happens.

I might just end up having one huge ranch yard sale.

Friday, September 29, 2006


So yesterday I decided to see if I could get into Pat's house to figure out where the water was running.
I tried the back door, and surprisingly, it opened. The house was unlocked. But when I got to the inside kitchen door, I see broken glass, like someone had broken in. There's not a thing in the house, who would break in?
Sure enough, the water in the bathroom sink was running.

That was good to find out, so I called S Z to tell her the house was open, and to find out what was going on with the house.

She told me that the Aunt was probably going to bring an agent to my ranch today and see about listing it. Seems she wants to sell all the property soon as she can. The Uncle's house has already sold.

So now I have no idea what I happening. I might have to liquidate everything I have. How much time will I have?
The place has not been maintained except by me for the past 10 years; it's a mess.
How much will they ask for it?

Isn't it strange that I went with RP yesterday to look at the loft spaces he has for rent in the old Yancy Feed building? I was curious about a space to set up my big rug loom.
The rent for a huge (1,000 sq feet) loft space with an office and windows and high ceilings was way way less than I could have imagined.
There's an elevator!

Out with the livestock and in with a nice warm dry inside hobby?

YOu can be sure I was up most of the night again last night.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I'm sleeping a lot, except when I'm not, like 3 in the morning.
I'm not very hungry.
The weather has turned damp and chilly, foggy.
I feel pretty blerg.

I'd like to get over this.

Monday, September 25, 2006

After fightin with my little lawnmower for a year I went at it yesterday to try to solve it's problem.
I knew it was a fuel or fuel line problem ( it would run fine if I kept pumping it's little rubber pump).
Sure enough as soon as I took a look, I could see that the fuel tank would slide right off. I took the tank off, poured the fuel back into the gas can. I then tool the line off, and washed the tank out with a bit of gas.
Next I took the drain screw from the bottom of the something or other ( might be the fuel filter?) and drained out the rest of the fuel. Then I blew the whole line, and put it back together.

Then I did a little dance when it started and continued to run.

I still don't understand how the dang thing really works, but I can do something.

So I got the rest of the lawn all mowed and nice. With no rain since May the grass was pretty short and it took about 1/4 of the time it was taking back then.

After picking, carding, spinning and plying every night for a week I realize that I produced 3 skeins of Lazy's yarn. That's pretty lame. It makes me think I'll be sending more fleece to get processed.
I have a fleece all dry ( my Best In Show Market fleece--ooh it's nice) so it's time to wash another. I have only been washing the white ones to send. They are easier to blend. I might still process the colored ones myself. I say that today..

Amy came by last night for me to AI her doe; we sure know how to part ay!
She had a bit of news about a possible new goat dairy...since I can't seem to get SF to let me play, maybe I can try the new one.
When I was very young, the boys in my neighborhood played ball in the street in front of our house. I always wanted to play, I was a real pest, but they never let me. Once in a while they'd give in and stick me down by my house in the street, which was the "outfield" but sure enough if a ball came my way they ran me over. And I was always defense. I coulda been a contender.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Sunny sunday

It was so hot yesterday. I mean, hot and dry and the wind almost lost all of it's bite. that's really really unusual.
I checked the weather at some point and it was 88 in Fortuna; I don't remember it being that hot ever.

Ted spent the morning working on our new room. He almost has the insulation in the floor done, and the subflooring is starting to go down. Another wonderful thing about the new room is that it's downstairs, away from the tin roof. In the winter when the rain is deafeningly pounding, we can sit in the bedroom oblivious of the onslaught. That will be so lovely.

Kathy came by in the afternoon to help me with the fence. Miles came by later. The roll that I thought would be about 1/2, was only about 1/3 of what I need. It all went mostly smoothly except for my ineptness when working with others. It only took about an hour and we had almost 300 feet of woven wire stretched and hung. I need to make this next goat deal in order to afford the extra roll I hadn't budgeted for, plus a few more fenceposts.

I have finished picking, carding and spinning the first bit of Lazy's fleece. It's going to make more yarn that I thought. I have visions of a new cardigan for myself.
When we have an extra room I might even be able to break out the table loom and do some weaving..

The pink eye epedemic seems to have ended, with no new cases for over a week. I do have 2 blind goats in the barn, one is almost better, the other still in the throes of it. Strangely, both does came from the same place, the free Westhaven does.

I need to appreciate the wonderful relationship I have with my vet. It broke down the other day when the regular receptionist ( who gives me whatever I want) wasn't there, and the staff had no idea who I was. Fortunately Dr. S stepped out for a minute ( to comment on my hair color) and things went a little more smoothly. The odd thing is I was getting something that I could have gotten at the feed store, not a prescription item. even though they treated it as such. In the end, I got what I needed, however. But the 20 minutes it took was unnecessary..
I know others don't have the same relationship. They ask me to get stuff for them...

It looks like it'll be another sunny warm day, it's already 72 in Fortuna. I need to start working on the next stanchion. Hey Amy, I need to come look at your headpiece. You took it with you when I was milking...

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Sunny saturday...again

Ted is working hard on our new Master's going to be the biggest bedroom I think we've ever had. And it will have a closet! Uptown!!
He's almost got the floor insulation done, and I think he'll almost start putting down the subflooring today.
We need to get a window soon to replace the sliding door that was our garage door.

I got my buck proof fence done in very little time yesterday morning. Well I say buckproof, but I haven't been yet today..
It looked good and I saw a number of volunteers get zapped.

Yesterday I got very little done. A few loads of laundry, a fleece is out on the drying rack, a nap. Yesh, that was about it.

We did have a lovely dinner last night at Parlatos.

Today I have asked Kathy to help me with the perimeter fence. She said "it'll be fun!". Ahhh youth.

A kid in our town killed himself by driving off the cliff at the beach this week. Josh knew him, and went to school with his brother. One brother is in Iraq. Like his parents needed this. How can a parent live through something like that?

Another clear sunny day. No rain in sight. At least we're not on fire.

I am planning a crazy goat transport/ exchange/ road trip involving like 4 other's a real logistics problem.
I think I have it lined out..I am selling 4 or 5 bucks to one dairy woman, she will pick up 2 doelings (one for me, one for AF)on her way to Oregon, but will leave the doelings in Redding (4 hours from here) so as not have to take them across the border. Then on her way back down we'll meet, where I give her the bucks, she gives us the does.
I guarantee there will be waiting, and lots of driving involved..
The good news is that I think AF will ride with me. Yay!
And I'll get rid of these extra bucks. That will probably pay for the trip, the doeling and my next load of hay.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Yeah, I'd say

Andy Warhola

Well today will definitely be a fencing work day. I found the yearling alpine buck in with the weanlings so that has to stop immediately. It's definitely breeding season. Bucks in rut let me know where my fences are weak. In this case, the electric wire is down and he is jumping over the woven wire. An easy fix, but the Lutalyse will be a little expense for my laziness here.

I also have the long perimeter fence that is hanging over my head to do. I am sure I can get the first section done in less than 2 hours. Just do it, eh?

Josh and I went to Fortuna yesterday. I am still not getting satisfaction in my search for frames. I got my prescription so I am out in the world looking now.
Last night we watched Ken Burns' "Warhol" and wouldn't you know I saw frames I wanted everywhere...

Tonight is part 2 of "Warhol" and as much as I was enjoying it, I am being blindsided. I thought I knew a lot about the man and the times, but I really knew nothing. I am getting a completely different perspective. For instance, I didn't know that he began as a commercial artist, and worked for magazines well into the 60's; this really explains a lot! Certainly his love of the print.
However, his position as a "mirror" is becoming even clearer in my mind. It is true.

Watching him in his studio doing silkscreen makes me realise that I love the print too!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Ants for the Ethical Treatment of Aphids

There is definitely a synchronicity or a 100th monkey thing that happens here in Cyberspace.
I won't go into detail.
I won't let it get to me. I won't.

I realize that this sunny clear weather won't last so I'd better get as many of these fleeces washed and dried before the real rain comes. It takes forever to get wool to dry when the humidity hovers near saturation. Duh.

Sure enough last night when Lazy's last bit of fleece was almost completely dry, it got foggy and drippy and now it's wet. And I have another in the tub waiting for it's turn on the drying rack.
I am managing to get a skein of his wool spun every night now, for the past 4 nights. I am good at keeping to a schedule.

Yesterday I went to Eureka for materials for a business idea. This one's a good one.
I came out under budget and well on my way.

Finally I am seeing more does in heat. I got my new A I light so I am all ready for some breeding. I plan on doing a lot; the semen tank is so full of semen it's stupid not to. Tonight or tomorrow I'll breed Victory.
The poor bucks are really going beserk, mostly because the does in heat are on the other side of the fence.

I am having a hard time getting frames I want for my new prescription. Frame trends are 1. too small, and B, too dainty for me. I need big lenses and close to indestructable, and the trend is for small and wire or at least thin frames. It't hard to be a trend setter.

Now, it's nap time.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Wish I had a huge house

Hmm, I see a new project...

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Tuesday in the field with John Deere

Today's ride; The 766 once again. Fortunately only 2 hours today.
The 50 Worst things ever To Happen to music

And I'd add Keith Moon dying. He was the one and the only rock drummer ever.

Dusty Tuesday

During Ted's monthly trip out of town, I am all messed up with my sleep schedule.
Yesterday I woke wide awake at 6:30, somthing I think I almost have never done in all of my 48 years.
Then the rest of the day was messed up as well. I got back in bed around 8:30 and read more of " Drawn To The Rhythm" an autobiography by a wife and mother who took up single scull rowing at 43, to become a Masters Champion. I am almost halfway through it already. I made sure to get a good round of rowing on the machine later.

I did get my chores done, and even moved the largest weanlings into the medium pen with J's kids.
I also got some more of Lazy's wool picked, carded and spun. It's such beautiful wool, mostly because it is his lamb's wool, but the luster and color are wonderful. I have separated his fleece into shades and I am spinning each separately. I'm almost halfway through the medium silver.

When I got to the ranch for evening chores last night, first I see that there are tire tracks..not from me. I can tell.
I then see that I have been paid for a buck service, and what could be nicer than to have hay just show up! Thanks Mullens's!!!

Behind me as I pull in, comes a pickup I think I recognize, but it turned out to be someone elze. MZ, J's brother. He has brought me Uncle Tony's lawnmower. I had requested it to SZ when the estate was getting settled. With Aunt Tina in town this is happening, and M had a pickup bed full of tools. Uncle Tony was meticulous and a tool collector. The tools looked like they had never been used. Not that I am saying he didn't use them, from what I can tell they say he was always working on something.

The huge lawnmower came with 2 small gas cans full of gas, so in the gloaming last night I mowed the other side of the driveway, and today I should get to Pat's yard.
Now there are 3 lawnmowers; my mothers day present, the yardsale buy at 10.00 from a few weeks ago, and Uncle Tony. Oh ,and the dead one that I will dismantle and then melt down the engine. I also saw a great idea using the lawnmower handle to use as a barbed wire unwinder. The impending fencing project involves barbed wire..

So far, however, my ol standby is the only one that I can get started. I'll bring some engine starter today to work on Uncle Tony.

Termites were flying yesterday. This is an annual event that usually heralds the first rain of the season. Although it threatened to rain all day, and today is dark as well, no rain has fallen. It is still dust season here in the Golden State.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

september 17th. the end of the birthdays

Well I spent the entire afternoon going around and around on the mower tractor. The field, which took me at least 3 or 4 days earlier this summer, took me 4 hours.
I had thought it would take me 4 hours, and I was exactly right.
The tractor ( IH 766) is a wreck, but I can't really pick on a running tractor since mine is clutchless at the moment. However, it has a cab which is absolutely full of spiderwebs, completely filthy, and the windows are completely rusted. So much so that the sound of the rusted window frame constantly banging as I drove was almost as loud as the tractor and the mower. The windows are so rusted that they can't be opened any more than a few inches, and it was hot in there.

Driving around and around for hours I get into the zone where I am on autopilot and start thinking of all sorts of stuff.
Goth baby clothes.

Today is my Memaw Bonnies birthday, 94th I think. I sent her a card, even though she tells me she doesn't like to celebrate birthdays. Too bad. I do.
We have been correspondants since as far back as I can remember. I'll bet I've gotten 200 letters from her.

It is also my mothers birthday, at 74.
I start thinking about her announcement to me one day in 1975 or so that she had cancer, then her berating me the next day because I didn't react correctly ( I guess I didn't read the manual). Strangely enough after that particular bout of emotional manipulation, she never mentioned it again, and now over 30 years later, she's still alive. Or so I think she is. and that's all I want to say about that.


I think I had my best NorthCountry fair yesterday. We arrived smack in the middle of the SAMBA! parade, always my favorite. I was sure we were too late and would miss it.

The Fair was totally packed, I think more crowded than I ever remember.

The best finds were free. A beaded bracelet Ted found on the ground. A pair of awesome abandoned boots that fit me like Cinderella's. Don't worry, I gave them hours to come back and get them, and they were by the garbage and the porta san's.

Some great bands, lots to see, some guys on a slack line that were only slightly good, falling often. Unfortunately they wouldn't let me play. He is "licensed by the state"?.
Soon after that his line broke. He wasn't even dressed up or acting like he was performing or anything.

The wonderful African food I had a few years ago. Yum for sweet peanut sauce and fried plantains.

WE all agreed that the edge is missing. There are no vendors with the goth/ industro/ hand made/ edgy kind of appeal. Some were close, but the earrings/pottery/tie dye/ beaded/ baby clothes/ felted hats/ just is missing the mark.

Off I go. Looks like a full day of mowing hay.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Sat ur day

I dyed my hair bright red yesterday. I am always surprised when I see myself in the mirror and I see all that grey. Now I am still surprised.

Ted got me a new cell phone yesterday; the old one had served me well through many years and a lot of abuse.
The new one is much like the old one, which I liked, but a bit smaller, lighter, and covered in rubber. It looks promising for a long and satisfying relationship.

The day starting sunny and bright. looks good for mowing. Or maybe we'll go to the North Country Fair. I still have my chores and AF's yet to do.

I was enjoying sleeping last night and this morning.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Game postponed

Yep, I had some of THAT spinach in the refrigerator. It was unopened...

I went to get a new prosthesis er eyeglass prescription today. As I thought, my reading (I had bifocals) sight was way off from the glasses I had. I have had them order the lenses I want, the old big thick heavy plastic style that I can't (ha ha) break. In a week or so I'll go back and pick some out. I's what I wanted last time, but I wasn't with the program and I just got what they told me would be indestructable. It took me less than a month to prove them wrong.
I'm also going from bifocals to progressive lenses. It's the type the Dr wears, so I hope he knows.

My eye doctor is wacky, and an Angus (beef) breeder. He explained ( I asked) to me why Angus has become so popular. I had no idea. Research and marketing.

In the "things I'm rough on" department, Ted got me a new cell phone today. It is rubberized. My last one actually lasted quite a long time. The past few days when my old one was giving up have been surprisingly difficult. I rely on my cell a lot.

As I got to the end of the road this morning, I see a car driving past and in that split second I see a man who looks so much like our vet., but he has white hair and moustache. There was something about his profile that I immediately recognized, and sure enough I see him pull into the vet's ranch. Later when I stopped at the vet's I asked if C Z's dad was in town. No, it is actually his cousin. Human face recognition really amazes me.

Since we got that brief rain this morning, mowing was also postponed.


I can't sing or hear "Take Me Out to The Ball Game" without tearing up.

So it's Yankees vs. Red Sox all weekend. The Yankees could pretty much clinch the division title here. It's going to be great. And I'll get it all on our T V!

With Matsui back in the lineup finally, it's all systems go.

September is early for the rain

Yeah that woke me up.
The first rain of the season, at 7:35.

It was just a brief shower. I think it's over now.
But it started with a bang!
Tin roof....

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Raw materials

Today's schedule was all about resources and materials. Acquisitions and disbursement.

Fleeces were handed to Aunt Janet for her to process into roving. This was conveniently managed at Fernbridge as she was on her way from Whitethorn to Eureka. We'll see how this project goes. It's my first venture into value added commercial processing with wool.

I ran up to Eureka myself to pick up the steel for a stanchion that has been ordered.

I also picked up a roll of fence wire to finish my sheep fencing, then deposited it at the fenceline where it will be stretched in the next few days.

I milked A F's goats, got some hair dye, and worked some more on the feeder, which I want to finish before I start on the stanchion.

It also looks like I'll be mowing for R P tomorrow, the field by the fairgrounds which I mowed earlier this summer.
O K got that fixed.

I have had an appointment everyday this week, and I have only written down Friday's whicxh is my eye doctor. I have never been so happy to have a doctors appointment, as my glasses are way not working for me anymore.
I found a funky set of frames that I will see about having my prescription put into. My last frames, even though they were promised to be indestructable, took me only a few days to bend them to shit.

Today's appointment is to deliver my fleeces to the processor who is driving by today...will save me wuite a bit on shipping.
I also have my steel order to pick up in Eureka as I have a stanchion order. Yay!
And this evening is day 1 of milking AF's goats as she runs off to the last show of the season in Booneville.

Yesterday morning there was a car at Pats house when I got to the ranch. It was Aunt Tina, the other remaining family member involved in the ownership of my ranch.
She has come to settle her brothers estate; she came a few months ago but she broke her ankle and had to cut the tip short. She and her husband have returned from Boston where they live. Although she was raised here in Humboldt, I guess she's been gone for over 30 years; she's pretty east coast now, it seems to me.

I really had a great talk with them in the driveway; her husband was fascinated by the antics of the border collie Abby. She didn't mention the impending possible sale of my ranchette, but I imagine it's inevitable. It would be nice to get a roof on the Grade B barn, and the sooner the better.

It's quite breezy today, but the sun is thankfully out. There is a chance of rain in the forecast, and the NorthCountry Fair is this weekend, with a 100% history of no rain for that.
Oh dang, in searching for a site for the fair, I found the Samba dance page, where I could have signed up for classes and danced in the parade! Damn!

And being the copycats that they are, Fortuna is hosting a city wide yardsale this weekend...

Evanston is not Evansville

I was using my e mail machine to try to send some flowers to my Auntie for her birthday today (damn all of these September birthdays...)
and it was a good thing that I got curious as to where her office was.
On the Google map I see that it looked like she was right on Lake Michigan..which was funny because I thought I had checked out where Evansville was once before, and it seemed much closer to Missouri at the time.

Then I see that the location for the business with the exact same name is in Evanston, Illinois, not Evansville, Indiana.

Now I am in the 15 minute limbo that I have to wait before I can fix my error.

FWIW I did get the state right, and maybe it would have fixed itself (yeah right..)

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

A Nubian costs 2 bucks; yeah, that's about right...

Well yesterday I traded this

and this

for this

Bike trailer

Here's a quick shot of the bike trailer. First, with it's funky 30 minute clothes. Then one naked. Nothing but bones.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

unmanic Monday

Yesterday was strangely productive, even though it seemed like I didn't do a thing. I got napping, eating, and lots of T V watching, and yet I still managed to make progress on many fronts.

I started working on what will be the roof of the feeder. I fashioned some 3/4 X 1 1/2 square tubing as extensions as the roof frame is slightly shorter than the feeder itself. Now I can clearly see how I can get the thing to work. I'll hinge one end so I can raise it up to throw hay in.
Like most things, once I get working, I solve the problems that usually keep me from getting the job done.
My welds are getting better and better. Soon I will run out of the .30 wire and I'll have to adjust to the .35, which should give me better welds.
And shouldn't I have bought the 30.00 stick welder at the yard sale??

I also managed to card and spin a bobbin full of wool yarn. I also rinsed and blocked the 2 skeins I spun over the past week or so. On Thursday the "local wool mill" person is picking up 3 washed fleeces to have them processed into roving. I have never had this done before, so it's an experiment. I am sending my cparser Dorset fleeces, as I have heard she does a better job with the coarser wool.
I am curious as to how fast I can then spin the pre carded wool, or if it might be worth it to send other fleees to another mill to have the wool spun into commercial yarn.
I have probably 10 more fleeces, but I did get a request for a fleece to sell.

The keyboard that has shown up here for some reason, has a shift key that sticks.

A breeder is coming down from Oregon today to trade for a buck or 2. She is bringing me a nubian doe. Yes, I have lost my mind.
I still would rather have the Nubian doe that all of these bucks. The bucks need to be thinned out, and now 'tis the season.

I have a lot of obligations; it's like having a job. I'm not sure if I like it, but it seems most of them will come with more money. When I have plenty, obligations for more are just an inonvenience. When I am broke, obligations are opportunities.

I managed to get Brian's radial arm saw back to him . Actually, he came and picked it up. So that is out of the way.

I need to deliver, or have picked up, 2 does.
Deliver fleeces.
Start a milk stand I got an order for.
List eBay items.
Learn AF's milking routine and milk her goats this coming weekend.
Get my passport application in.
Weigh a fleece and send estimate.

Besides all of this I really seriously need to do something about the Grade B barn roof. Seriously. I know there's no rain for the distant future, but you know it's coming.

Monday, September 11, 2006


I am really glad that I didn't pay 60.00 or more for a new swift as I just found mine.

Yarn blocked this afternoon. This morning I cut and welded an extension on to the roof part of the feeder. I have a solution for that problem.

The Producers (Zero Mostel, Gene Wilder)is an insane movie.
Where were you?

i just remember that 1) the horrifying feeling watching those towers fall and knowing all those people were dead and hearing people in my office screaming 2) it was the most beautiful september day 3) none of the street vendors had any water 4) i couldn't even look at anyone for days on the street after that because everyone was so sad and if i saw someone sad or crying i would cry 4) i had a lump in my throat for weeks afterwards 5) it seemed like those towers were burning forever

As someone else mentioned, it was such a beautiful day that day and I remember taking the escalator up from Liberty St. to the south pedestrian walkway and looking up West St., at the Trade Center, at everyone walking and running on the street, and took it all in. I just thought it was such a beautiful morning to be a New Yorker -- and then it all went to hell.

It was my first week of living at college at Pace University on Spruce St (in front of City Hall) I woke up to the first plane - our windows were filled pane to pane with the towers, being so close. I stared up and said this is unbelievable. The shcool told us it was a small plane, an accident, and that we should carry on. And being somewhat naive and never even letting any other thought into my brain, I followed accordingly and went to class. Thats when the second plane hit and my professor screamed: GO MOTHERFUCKERS- RUN! RUN! The school broke out into pandemonium. I ran down the stairs and saw people streaming passed a girl in a wheelchair crying. I stopped and picked her up and carried her down, while someone else behind me carried the chair. After that I ran out and the gray cloud seen on TV swooped onto the block and I couldn't breath. Panicked, I ran down the block into another buildings basement basically accepting death while women and children - and some men - weeped. What-a-day.

I got to work early that Tuesday morning. As I prepared for the start of my day, my supervisor walked over to me and said that a plane had just hit one of the towers at WTC. I couldn't believe my ears, so he pointed to the tv set in his office... the first plane was in the building. I ran to my desk to call my mother and before I could inquire about my uncle (who happened to work down there) she she suddenly screamed, "oh my God... they did it again! They hit the other building".

Hearing my mother so distraught and realizing what was happening to my beloved city, I just broke down. I can't properly verbalize the fear and unfathomable sense of hopelessness and despair I felt that morning. The uncertainty, the confusion, the anger, the melancholy...

It's now five years later and I still cringe when a plane flies overhead.

my own 9/11

This is what gets to me. Seeing the faces of the people on the street.
My Aunt had a full view from her terrace. When I called her, she just kept saying "They're going to kill us all"

My father, whose health had been failing, seemed to rapidly deteriorate after 9/11. He had dreams and hallucinations about the attacks. He was gone within 6 months.
My aunt died a year later.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

It only took me about 5 minutes to put the second support strut on the bike trailer. Now I have to design/ find a good hitch. I had it rigged up with cable ties for the yard sale stint, but it needs a real hitch.

I'd love to be able to find the hardware and fittings that the baby jogger uses. It would be so easy to build another, and I already have quite a few sets of bike wheels.

I took apart the dewalt grinder that I got and the bad cord unplugs so it looks like it will be a snap to replace. That was a good buy there.

It's time to finish that feeder. I have been wirebrushing the old bars and I'll have it cleaned and painted. I just have to put something for the bottom and dsomething for the roof and it's done. I'm going to see if a sheet of ondura might just do the trick.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Bargain lovers saturday

Last year, during Bargain Lovers weekend we decided the only way to attack was to do it on bike.
So this year we were all set. Then I started thinking about how we were going to carry all of our booty, and I thought that I should try to fashion a little bike trailer.

So last night after chores I tore apart the baby jogger I had gotten from Mirandas thrift store a few months ago.
In less than an hour I had turned it into a bike trailer. Another hour on the sewing machine and it had a cargo area.

I think this is the complete list. It was sort of anticlamactic, as the first sale we went to is where I think I found the best buy:

Drum carder 18.00
Number metal die stamps 4.00
Welding: Principles and practices
New York in pictures (1961)
The Painted Bird; Kosinski
Machine tools
Shop grinder stand 30.00
Cast iron dutch oven 7.00 ( got it to use for a crucible, but it's really almost too nice)
DeWalt 4" angle grinder 5.00 (needs a new cord)
Elvis: The Sun Collection 8.00 (mint condition)
2 20" Bike wheels .50
75 yards core wire candle wicking 1.00
Unused Rolodex 1.00

Friday, September 08, 2006

Davids Birthday!!

I completely lost the post I wrote yesterday.

T's birthday was celebrated with cake, ice cream and balloons. And of course in the tradition of my family ( my dad did this pretty often) he bought himself a new wetsuit last week, so happy birthday to him.

Today is my brother's birthday,2 days and 1 year younger than Ted.
Happy Birthday David!
I remember well the day he was born . Yikes, Grandma is driving me to school? Since when does she drive? help?
Oh, 5.00 for lunch? uh, yeah that's about right (normally 30 cents). Thanks!

So Ted is developing the "garage" into a room. I have dreams about finding a room in my house, and here it is. This will increase our living space probably 20%; that's a LOT!
A good way to head into winter.
In no time he will have the floor down, and after that it will go fast.
The problem is what to do with all of the stuff..
we need a garage.

KM came by for me to breed her doe, and we dished for over an hour. That was fun.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Tribute to Steve Irwin

Monday, September 04, 2006


Well I have sold almost 20 goats, and I don't think you could even tell. That's pretty cool, if you ask me.
I took 4 milkers ( one has a weepy eye, she'll go in a few days) to the new dairy here in town.
I was hoping to get a chance to see the place, and I got my wish.
I got a great tour of the whole operation starting with the brand new dairy barn.
It's all really awesome. The dairy barn is huge, double sided, witha great set up fro entry and exit. It was really well planned out. One side even exits through a little tunnel in the other side's steps!

The housing looks really great, easy to clean and plenty of it.
The weaned kids have a great place to grown adn hang out and they look really good.

I felt really good about how that project is going. The goats are in great shape.

I'm trying to get them to let me play with them.( the people, that is)

Labor day white sale

Well it looks like I am going to be able to sell off quite a few of my "extra" does and kids, probably today.
Two separate goat deals are going down. I might just make probably 1/4 of my annual income today.
And the does that are leaving I don't think I will hardly miss.
Unless I think about it.

On my list for the money, after bills are paid, will be the wheels for my little car, and then the wool processing.

It's day 3 of the dark damp fogge.
No sign of rain in any forecasts; it would be nice to get the dust washed off of everything, and soften up the goats and sheeps feet so I can trim them. Everything is rock solid now.
It's time to put the roof on the Grade B barn.

I finally have all of the shavings under the roof. I swept and raked up as much of the errant shcaings in the yard and it's looking pretty tidy in there now.
My feeder project is going well. I got some flashing and pop riverts and have made a solid bottom for it. I need to see if there is a better way to pop rivet. The cheesy Black and Decker one I am using often pinches my hand when it pops. Ow.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Willits, California; A great place to be?

We just got in the car yesterday and drove. South.
A little vacation to summer in the California wine country.
Willits was warm and soft. So warm. So soft is a warm dry breeze. 81 degrees is really quite pleasant to walk around in.

Farther south past Ukiah into Hopland.
We had the most lovely dinner on the patio with the sun setting on the vinyards. Did I mention it was warm! I like warm.

A day away from home. To what most people think California is. Warm, sunny, viney.

It was a real pleasure.

But what is the problem with Willits? It should be a great town! Excellent climate. Closer to the city, good traffic. There are so many empty store fronts. The downtown is cute, plenty of parking, but it's just nothing going on? I think we must be missing something, like there is another part of town.
So what is up with Willits?

Friday, September 01, 2006

Frylock day

I gave up on trying to soothe my infected piercing. It's just done. I took the old earring out and thought I'd replace it with a really good gold one, but there was no way that one was going in. I had a feeling that would happen.
It felt immediately better.
I don't even remember when I had that one done. Somewhere around 1976.

I'm on a roll with the feeder. I cut and fit a pieve of tin on one side and will get one more piece of flashing for the other side. Now I'm working on fitting the old roof frame for the top. It's all about finish details now. This is sorta fun...

I have someone interested in buying my Champion buck, who is being sold along with all of the Lamanchas. I was hoping I'd find someone who would want him. He's such a sweetheart and is making lovely babies.

I am really enjoying the rowing machine, but I am such a wimp. I looked up a regimen and it said to start out slow with 3 sets of 3 minutes each. Geez, I don't even think I can go 3 minutes yet.
I'll time myself today. My shoulders, calves, thighs and abs are already feeling it. That's good, right?

Yankees are up 8 games in the AL East over the Red Sox. It's not a sure thing, but that's a great lead this late in the season. I looked into tickets for the next Red Sox series at Yankee stadium and there are none available!
Maybe some for the playoffs...

Another sunny day, but it sure gets chilly in a hurry when the sun sets.
The ocean was really loud last night.