Thors day
I wanted to get the steel for the feeder, but I realised that I had one more bedframe all this time that I can use. D'oh. Yes, I found it last night and dragged it out and today I'll get that project on the road.
I did find a rowing machine for 10.00 and the selling point was that it was just sitting there for me to try. It was more satisfying than I thought it would be. I do love the flywheel type, but this will do for now. It's surprising how just a minute or 2 gets my heart pounding.
I also found a great pair of frames that fit and seem indestructable, and I have an eye dovtor appointment in a few weeks. I definitely need a new prescription.
When I moved the sheep the other day it looked to me ( what do I know) that a few of those ewes were heavy with lamb. This would be an excellent time for a few more lambs.
Sure enough last night just as I got to the ranch and it was getting dark I saw a new black lamb. Cha ching.
I got all the buck kids banded yesterday. I have a pen with my alpine buck and a few does all set. I moved another buck next to the milkers so I can get heat detection. I might have sold a few more kids. The inside kid pen is all cleaned expanded and full of fresh shavings.
I need to start covering up the Grade B barn. I have to have it for the winter.
Also, clean out the tank room.
Ths sun it ous and it looks like it'll be a great day.
Ted is on vacation.